Clicking the
Versions may vary by subject, sender, or content..

AB test settings:
- Percentage of recipients to include in the test group – Set the size of your test group. There is no "ideal" test sample size, you always must consider both the current recipient list size and the current campaign content. Always consider how large a list of recipients you have and how many recipients will receive the test sample. For example, if you have a recipient database with 1000 emails and select 40 % of them as a test sample, the campaign will be sent to 400 recipients in the first phase (version A will be sent to 200 emails, version B will also be sent to 200 emails ) and after evaluation of the test samples, the winning version will be sent to the rest of the recipient list, in this case to 600 email addresses.
- Test group evaluation period before final delivery – Set the time needed to evaluate the success of both variants. The minimum time is 10 minutes, maximum time is 4 days. When setting the time, always consider the total number of recipients and the criterion according to which success will be evaluated (e.g. Opens can be evaluated sooner than conversions)
- Evaluate the test group results by:
- Opens – Which version will be sent in the final delivery will be decided by the number of recipients opening each version of the campaign
- Visits – The number of visits for each version will decide which version will be used for the final delivery
- Clickthrough rate – The ratio between clicks and open messages and for each version will decide which version will be sent in the final distribution
- Conversion rate – The conversion rate for each version will decide which version will be used for the final delivery. Please keep in mind that the conversion code MUST be implemented on your website to measure the conversions correctly. It is necessary to set sufficient time (at least 1 day recommended) for evaluation.